Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rob Fandom Out of Hand?

Rob has been a heart throb since before his "Twilight" days, but since filming the first movie in the saga there seems to have been an upswing in the passion of his "followers".

Although most of the fans claim to be supporters of his acting, there are a select few that have taken this infatuation to another level. In another post we showed you the mob scene caused on the streets of New York City as Rob left the set of his new film "Remember Me", but there has been another incident reported as Rob was leaving a book store.

Apparently fans were approaching him and getting rowdy so his body guards hurried him across the street but as they did he was grazed by an on coming taxi cab. Pattinson stepped back stunned and I can only imagine the thoughts going through his head. One of his bodyguards turned around to the crowd of excited teens and shouted "Do you see what you've done? You've almost killed him!". As an inspired Rob supporter, I do not appreciate the die hard fans that almost seem insane ruining the name of all fans.


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